You'll Never Be Happy

It’s ok to talk to your cat. Just don’t carry on a whole conversation with them. In case you do, that’s ok, that’s ok. It’s pandemic time, right? Just remember to keep your personal data safe. Don’t share any passwords. 

Hi, I’m Charlotte, as you can see, a very lost soul but thinks she’s got it under control. Yes, I like to refer to myself as a 3rd problem. No problem there whatsoever. I’m fine. I talk to my cat like people, I respect them. I take this cat mama business quite seriously. 

How have you been doing? I bet you talk to your cat, but you probably wouldn’t tell me that immediately. 

Why? Because there is this other person who you think you should be. Not you, but who you should be. This person is eager for success, driven, put together, intelligent, always knows how to pair wine with cheese, very annoying, drives a Porsche, drinks champagne. 

Right? As if that was real life. 

Why is that the life we think we want, by the way? No one lives like that. Ok, maybe some, but not everyday. Because how boring is that, drinking champagne everyday? I drink wine. 

And there isn’t just one way to live. That champagne drinking life has its own problems. Every life has its own set of problems. I don’t dream about the champagne life, but I dream of a life living by the beach in Thailand, scuba diving all day, everyday.

And then I would get bored there and want to come back here to Europe. And then I want to visit my friends in the U.S., but I’ve always just gone to California. Maybe I should go to Key West, where I really would love to go, next. And then I want to go see my family in Taiwan. And then I want to go for a sailing vacation in Croatia.

You see, we are never happy, because we always want what we don’t have, yet. Doesn’t matter what. We have something, we want another. That’s how people are. I’m not sure that’s the best characteristic or personality trait in the universe, but we humans seem to be the only ones who have this kind desire for something we imagine. 

We have goals. We have plans. We have standards. 

No, we don’t. They are not real. Even your KPIs or OKRs or whatever ABCs. They are not real. We humans imagined these. 

Let’s not go down that path today. 

So that's the problem people have. We are the only species on earth who want what we don’t have, instead of worrying about survival. All the other animals on earth have to worry about survival. 

Well not my cats. But they definitely don’t have a chance on the street. Hmm-hmm. 

Maybe that’s the personality trait that sets us apart in evolution. You know, driving us human species forward (💪)!! We always want something that works better, something that’s more beautiful, a newer iPhone. Someone who’s younger? Not me. I’m just saying some people.

I don’t know why we’re programmed this way, but we’re set up for failure, guys. Because this means we would never be happy. We’re always chasing happiness, chasing what we think will make us happy, but then we get it, and this happy feeling always just lasts 5 minutes. Ok 2 weeks, tops. And then pfff! It’s gone! And then we’re back to the pursuit of happiness. 

That does not make us happy at all. We’re high for 5 minutes and then the withdrawal is this “argh”, “I want it I want it I want it (mean and angry voice)” feeling. 

Until the next hit.

So stop chasing the high of happiness. We have to take control of our energy and focus it on something more rewarding instead, like creating something for ourselves, for our own joy.

Do something nourishing intentionally for yourself, like cooking a really nice meal for yourself. I used to think I’d just eat whatever because it is not worth the time to prep, cook and then clean just for myself. 

But why not? Why don’t I deserve some TLC for myself?

I watched every other YouTube on the subject they all tell you to be content with what you have. Be grateful. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for the day. Everyone says to be content, and I am, and I probably should remind myself to be more grateful. 

But I think we can take it a step further. How about just simply love and accept ourselves? 

Charlotte Han